An Inventory of Near North Stained Glass Windows

Pevensey United Church
Although the Near North was settled later than southern Ontario, there are still many churches in this area which are over 100 years old. There are a number of small wooden country churches which are still active like the one at Pevensey. But we have also lost many of these to fire or rebuilding. Most of the urban churches are the second or third structure on the same site. |
Some of these older churches, like Pro-Cathedral in North Bay, were able to place stained glass windows in all of their window openings from the start. Others had plain coloured glass windows. These were replaced slowly over the years as families or groups from the congregation donated the cost of putting in new stained glass windows instead. Some of these windows are as recent as the 1980s.

Pevensey United Church
Window with Northern Them
made by girls at Lake Bernard
Camp. |
Windows donated by the congregation are usually dedicated to the memory of a loved one. This dedication is crafted right into the design of the window and remains as a permanent marker of the members of the congregation and sometimes of their contribution to the church. The church thereby becomes a repository of community memory.
The art of stained glass is an ancient one often associated with the great cathedrals of Europe . In Canada the early churches of Quebec have some outstanding examples of the art. Many of these can be found at <http://collections.ic.gc.ca/relig/>. Some church windows are abstract but most of them have biblical themes. Historic themes are not uncommon, like the Ursuline Convent window below. This is true of the windows in the Near North as well. Occasionally, however, we also find northern themes being expressed as in the window at Pevensey.
The artists who have produced the stained glass windows we admire are often not known unless church archives contain references to the purchase. Some are signed in the lower right corner. McCausland Company in Toronto, a company that advertised in the Globe in the 1920s, is the maker of some of the windows in North Bay . Only rarely will windows be made locally.
Stained glass windows are at their best with the sunlight streaming through them to bring out their vibrant colours. As many of the people who attend church tend to only go to one church, these wonderful works of art are seen by only a few people. Perhaps this online exhibit will motivate some to visit the churches in person.
This inventory is intended as a record of the windows which do exist along with the memorial information associated with them. This information may be of interest to descendents no longer living in North Bay and unable to visit the windows in person. Local students may also find these of interest as a point of entry into the history of a family or church. The work of producing this inventory is just starting. A volunteer effort, it may take some time to complete. The records of individual churches will therefore be added as they become available.
Enjoy! And if you get a chance, go see the windows for yourself.
If you have any comments to make on the exhibition or if you can add to the information we have about a window, the family who donated it, the person it is dedicated to or the artist or maker, please contact us.
Françoise Noël, Director
Institute for Community Studies and Oral History